We saw a business opportunity and we went for it!

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“To me, the ARIZE programme is so much more than just a school. It is more of an individual development programme and it caters for my individual needs. I would like our corporate sponsor and Raizcorp to know that it has really made a difference in our lives and if I had another opportunity to go back, I would not hesitate” Mohlolo Maebela, owner of Maebela Legacy Networks

Mohlolo and his brother applied for a 12-month established business programme and it changed their ICT business for the better! Today, they are not just suppliers for a corporate company, but they have also been nominated as beneficiaries.

In order to be considered for an opportunity like this, you must:

  • Be a South African citizen
  • Have an ICT business that is 51% or more black owned
  • Be active in the business, on a full-time basis
  • Have an average monthly turnover of R10 000

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