Uplift your economy
Our SEED programmes take into account the general complexities of doing business in the developing world, and are adaptable to specific challenges at a local level. Our programmes empower and educate local entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs to generate the employment their communities need, and to link local industries to national and international markets.
SEED programmes produce results because delivery is based on detailed, on-site contextual analyses combined with Raizcorp’s highly successful and adaptable enterprise and supplier development approaches and methodologies.

Development finance
institutions (DFIs) to assist in executing and implementing general entrepreneurial programmes, or programmes aimed at youth, females or rural contexts.

Multinational corporates to ensure that CSI strategies are aligned with company strategies.

Mines to execute entrepreneurial and supplier development programmes for surrounding communities in accordance with CSI, licence requirements, etc.

to design and implement national incubation and acceleration programmes.
Our approach
Raizcorp has developed a uniquely effective model of business incubation which we call Prosperation. Prosperation relies on four approaches to entrepreneurial development and business support which underpin all our offerings.
Click to read more about our approach
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Enterprise Development Continuum
Some DFIs we have worked with

United Nations Development Programme

African Development Bank Group

United States Agency for International Development

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

Danish International Development Agency