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We work with corporates to create bespoke ESD, SLP and CSI solutions, offer entrepreneurial-culture building to enhance business agility, and more . . .

Corporate solutions

Raizcorp partners with and provides services to over 100 blue-chip companies, assisting them with various solutions relating to entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial culture.

These include B-BBEE solutions for enterprise and supplier development (ESD), targeted programmes for specific types of entrepreneurs (e.g. rural, female, youth, etc.), and solutions for corporates themselves such as building an entrepreneurial culture, providing retrenched staff with an alternative to unemployment, and marketing their products and services to entrepreneurs.

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Why Raizcorp?

Our clients work with us for four main reasons:

Finding entrepreneurs

Our experience in finding entrepreneurs

We typically receive between 40 to 100 applications every day from entrepreneurs who wish to join our various programmes.

Our experience in selecting entrepreneurs

Our experience in selecting entrepreneurs

Our globally renowned eight-step selection process identifies high-calibre entrepreneurs for our programmes to ensure greater, more sustainable success.

Finding entrepreneurs

Our experience in designing programmes

We create programmes using design and user-centric thinking. Our programmes are designed to strategically align with our clients and create impact for entrepreneurs.

Our experience in selecting entrepreneurs

Our obsession with measuring impact

Impact and its measurement are extremely important to us. Our M&E department measures all our programme metrics to create reporting for board meetings, etc.

B-BBEE solutions

A 51% black-owned organisation with a team of 130 people, Raizcorp Arize specialises in working with corporate clients to create a range of tailor-made solutions that deliver strategic value – whether enterprise and supplier development, social labour plans, socioeconomic development or building your own business incubator.

Enterprise & supplier development (ESD)

Enterprise & supplier development (ESD)

Through our Arize division, Raizcorp supports entrepreneurs, who meet B-BBEE and other criteria, with a range of bursary programmes designed for various stages of the entrepreneurial journey. We also offer industry-specific programmes, such as for the diamond or ICT industries. If you’re an entrepreneur, please look through the available bursaries to find one that is right for you and your business.

Social labour plans (SLP)

Social labour plans (SLP)

We work with mining companies to design and implement elements of their SLPs. Our SLP programmes are well designed, effective and well documented to ensure that all Department of Mineral Resources requirements are met and that comprehensive paper trails and proof is evidenced. We can also coordinate SLPs with your enterprise and supplier development requirements.

Building & operating your own incubator

Building & operating your own incubator

Raizcorp currently operates 13 Prosperators (incubators) and Beacons (mini-incubators). Some are designed, built, capacitated and operated on behalf of clients for B-BBEE (and other) programmes. Our comprehensive systems manage the full incubation process: finding and selecting entrepreneurs; programme management; measurement, evaluation and full verification reporting. We operate incubators for clients such as Volkswagen, Exxaro, REISA and South 32 among others.

Socioeconomic development (SED)

Socio-economic development (SED)

We create SED programmes for corporates that comply with the B-BBEE scorecard and align with their business strategies. These can be designed as feeder programmes for ESD initiatives to help support entrepreneurs through various business lifecycle stages. Our flagship programme is Pitch & Polish.

Targeted solutions

Many of our clients require us to build programmes aimed a specific target communities or interest groups in order to align with the client’s mandate or strategy. Some of these include:

Rural entrepreneurship

Rural entrepreneurship

Mass migration of skills to urban areas has created a shortage of the skills needed to build local economies. We work with localised industries (mining, forestry, agriculture, etc.) to create successful rural programmes that ensure that communities can participate in regional economic activities. Our programmes also take into account the interplay between traditional and political leadership.
Social labour plans (SLP)

Youth entrepreneurship

Youth often have the energy and ambition to run their own businesses but lack the necessary experience and skills. Raizcorp offers programmes specifically aimed at the realities and issues facing youth. We are committed to building the future generations of entrepreneurs and job creators who will help to build the South African economy and its global competitiveness.
Socioeconomic development (SED)

Female entrepreneurship

Africa boasts the highest growth of female-run businesses in the world but, in South Africa, this is not the case. While more than half our population is female, only 38% of small businesses are women owned and led. Raizcorp can create effective ESD programmes that are targeted specifically at female entrepreneurs.
Women's empowerment principals

Eco entrepreneurship

Flourish is a subset of targeted entrepreneurial programmes that develop entrepreneurs working in the environmental and conservation space. Raizcorp provides business development and partners with technical experts in the conservation and eco industries to provide specific technical skills training to entrepreneurs and their staff.

Elixir corporate solutions

Elixir is the Raizcorp division that works with corporates to provide entrepreneurial solutions for the organisation. These include:


Entrepreneurial Culture building

We work with corporates to develop a culture of entrepreneurship that will support a more entrepreneurial mindset within their management and sales teams. This encourages large corporates who are adapting to a highly evolving market context to become more adaptive, nimbler and more action-oriented in their responses.
Social labour plans (SLP)

Retrenchment solutions

Many corporate businesses are being forced to retrench staff which is leading to a much higher unemployment rate, something the country can ill afford. Raizcorp Elixir works with corporates to provide retrenched staff with an alternative to unemployment – the opportunity to explore whether entrepreneurship is a path they have the potential to pursue.
Innovation hubs

Innovation hubs

We work with corporates to develop a culture of entrepreneurship that will support a more entrepreneurial mindset within their management and sales teams. This encourages large corporates who are adapting to a highly evolving market context to become more adaptive, nimbler and more action-oriented in their responses.

Marketing to entrepreneurs

Marketing to entrepreneurs

Raizcorp works with corporates, whose target markets are entrepreneurs or small businesses, to provide access to and a deeper understanding of these audiences. We offer consulting services, entrepreneurial-development programmes and tools as prizes for competitions and sponsored events which are aimed directly at the entrepreneurial market

Our philosophy

Although Raizcorp resists the term “social enterprise” it has often been described as one owing to its philosophical approach to all new business. Raizcorp will not pursue any new opportunities unless they meet two criteria – impact and profitability.

Business incubator enterprise development programmes, supplier development programmes


Our purpose is to support and develop high-potential entrepreneurs and those within the entrepreneurial ecosystem to become sustainable and highly profitable. We don’t pursue any new business that doesn’t have the potential to create genuine impact (this could be improved business sustainability, employment, skills or profitability).


We strongly believe that only for-profit organisations can authentically support entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial businesses to become profitable. We are proudly for-profit and pursue only opportunities that generate sustainable profit in the medium to long run which we reinvest into growing the business and our impact.