Ready to grow your business

Would you like to learn how to start and run your own business?
We are looking for enthusiastic people between the ages of 18 and 35 in Marapong.
Powered by Raizcorp, you are invited to apply for a youth entrepreneurial development programme.
The Youknit programme that addresses local youth unemployment by focusing on entrepreneurial readiness . With the lack of formal employment opportunities, YouKnit provides you with the basic fundamentals of business. It encourages you to identify entrepreneurial opportunities while developing their entrepreneurial skills. The YouKnit programme stimulates participants to create jobs for themselves and potentially for others rather than simply to seek employment in existing companies.
- You are invited to an information session on 26 June 2024 at Uniting Reformed Church Marapong at 10:00
- You will be required to complete a short questionnaire to apply for the programme.
Minimum requirements
- Participants must be between the ages of 18 and 35
- Participants must be able to read and write
- Participants must have some financial literacy (basic numeracy)
Please note
- This is not an learnership, no stipend will be paid
- Only successful applicants may attend the sessions
- Transport will not be provided