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Avoiding Hiring Mistakes for Small Businesses – A Raizor's Edge entrepreneurial podcast series by Allon Raiz

Avoiding Hiring Mistakes For Small Businesses

Entrepreneurs know that the cost – both monetary and risk – of hiring the wrong person is much higher in a small business than in a big one. But how can you avoid making expensive hiring mistakes? In this #AvoidingHiringMistakes podcast series, Raizcorp CEO Allon Raiz shares the lessons he has learned over 30 years of hiring new employees for startup to mid-sized businesses. He offers insights on common pitfalls, best practices and bringing out the best in those you employ.

All Episodes

Ep.1 Hiring In A Deliberate Way

Ep.4 The art & science of

Ep.7 Training as a tool
to scale

Ep.2 Avoid Knee-Jerk Hiring

Ep.5 Deliberately designing your recruitment process

Ep.3 The Under-appreciated Power of Job Descriptions

Ep.6 Metrics of

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