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Business incubator socio economic environments programmes


The urban context usually comprises high levels of economic activity, high levels of available skills and a complex supporting entrepreneurial ecosystem. As such, the Raizcorp models generally used in the urban context are Prosperators, Technibators and schools.

Business incubator enterprise development programmes


These are usually smaller towns with low yet significant economic activity, a lower abundance of skills and a rudimentary entrepreneurial support ecosystem. Raizcorp generally makes use of its Prosperator, Beacon and school models in this type of context.

Business incubator rural programmes, Enterprise development programmes, Supplier development programme.


The rule of thumb is more rural areas have lower levels of economic activity, skills are scarce and there is a very limited entrepreneurial support ecosystem. Raizcorp offers the Beacon and Distance models in these areas. watch Video 1 | Video 2  | Video 3 to see what we are doing in Tanzania.