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Making Strategy Happen Workshop – JHB – 24 April 2025

Join Allon Raiz, Raizcorp CEO and entrepreneurial maverick, for this exclusive full-day workshop!

Who should attend?

Entrepreneurs and business owners who are experiencing any of these situations . . .

  • I’m battling to break through to the next level of scale.
  • I’m dealing with unaligned staff who don’t understand my vision.
  • I’m suffering from high staff turnover.
  • I’m experiencing constant client issues.
  • My team is constantly focusing on the wrong priorities.
  • I feel like I’m constantly putting out fires.

Why should you attend?

Most entrepreneurs with small- to medium-sized businesses battle with:

  • the concept of strategy
  • developing the right strategy
  • managing the execution of the strategy.

You are not alone! Research shows only 30% of companies can develop a strategy and a tiny fraction of them can actually achieve their strategy.

During the workshop, Allon Raiz will take you through a framework to not only understand strategy but, more importantly, how to make sure your business can execute it.

Workshop Details

  • Date: Tuesday, 24 April 2025
  • Time: 08:00 to 17:00
  • Cost: R2 999.00 (incl. catering)
  • Venue: Raizcorp Office Sandton, Centex Close, Sandton, 2196
  • Seats: We want this to be a very personal experience so seats are limited to 20 only

What does the workshop cover?

  • Why scaling businesses fail so often and how you can avoid this for your business
  • Why having a vision is important when it comes to strategy and how you can build yours
  • Why we construct bad strategy
  • How to construct great strategy
  • How to manage the execution of your strategy in your business


More about your facilitator

The founder and CEO of SA’s leading business incubator Raizcorp, Allon Raiz is regarded both locally and internationally as a pioneer and maverick in the business-incubation industry. A sought-after international speaker and best-selling author, Allon has addressed the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, guest lectured at Oxford University and is currently hosting the 12th season of the popular The Big Small Business Show on Business Day TV. Click here for his full bio.


My journey to conquering strategy – Introducing Flowcode

By Allon Raiz, CEO of Raizcorp

Between 2008 and 2012, Raizcorp grew by more than 300% on average per year. This extreme growth started to create massive strain on the business – and Allon as CEO of the business. Between 2012 and 2014, our profits began to nosedive and its growth stalled completely. If things had carried on the way they were going, I wouldn’t have had a business within one year. Something had to change.

I spent the next six months setting up meetings with every single entrepreneur I know who had scaled a business, and I obsessively read every book and watched every YouTube expert on the subject of scaling a business and business strategy.

I filled two and a half Moleskin notebooks with notes, and attempted to distil all the wisdom and lessons I was exposed to into a framework and approach that would not only allow Raizcorp to start growing again but also ensure that it would not experience this again.

You see, this was the second time in our 14-year history, at the time, that this had happened. I had also seen the same scenario play out in Raizcorp investee companies that were scaling and failing.

Flowcode was designed to provide the scaffolding needed for businesses to scale without falling into the all-too-common traps that business growth presents.

Raizcorp was the pilot for Flowcode, and since 2015, Raizcorp has more than tripled in size with relative ease and our investee companies have, on average, quadrupled in size without failing.

Date: Tuesday, 24 April 2025
Time: 08:00 to 17:00
Venue: Raizcorp Offices Sandton

Cnr Katherine St & Centex Close, Strathavon, Johannesburg